The Best way to Celebrate your Birthday!

I can not define what the lady’s face emoted. For a moment it was devoid of any emotion at all and she looked up at the sky and smiled back at me. The kid stood by her like her personal pillar of strength and he looked up at her with a happiness that humbled me beyond imagination.

My Best Personal Diary Ever! 

I connect to dragonflies as I find their short yet super active life intriguing. I like how they are the only flying creatures who can fly backwards and side ways.

Finding Motivation in Dull days!

Day 1 : Open your social media, look at people doing so well! Feel happy for your friends. Day 10 : Open your social media, look at people doing so well. Have second thoughts about your choices. Day 11 : Not opening social media, symptoms of second thoughts still on! There are days I wonder…